Woman sitting in a chair by a window


A reMarkableDesign department

A good design affects us more than we realise. For us, it is one of the most important drivers of perceived value and customer loyalty.

The Design department’s mission is to create functional and exclusive experiences that our customers not only appreciate – but that create (everyday) value. We work cross-functionally, and relentlessly, to build a brand that emphasises and reinforces our vision for better thinking.

Three people talking by the coffee machine

Our disciplines

Chief Design Officer

Mats Herding Solberg

Design Research

Our mission is to understand our customers’ behaviour, experience and use of technology for better thinking outside, and within, our paper universe. This insight helps us shape reMarkable’s customer-focused vision and create everyday magic for all our future, and existing, customers.

Product Design

We redefine the digital paper experience and shape our physical product. We develop concepts and design user experiences that support our vision, strategy and brand. Through prototyping and testing, we perfect quality before products go into production, and into our customers’ homes.

UX Design

We create conventions for the user experience of the future, with better thinking at the core. Design principles and engaging user flows on our product surfaces will strengthen the user’s focus and creativity, and provide a unique and holistic overall experience.

Service Design

Our mission is to understand our customers’ actual needs and how we can fulfil our vision. We develop, plan and organise our services to give people a holistic and valuable experience of our brand. reMarkable should always be perceived as useful, attractive and effective – a preferred tool for better thinking.

Visual Design

We design and develop a recognisable brand to promote better thinking. As part of the Visual Design department, we work in interdisciplinary teams across the entire organisation to deliver visual content in line with our design principles. We want to ensure that our brand evolves alongside our surfaces and target groups.

Mechanical Design

We define how our physical products are made and how they are put together. We investigate and define what kind of core technologies, materials and processes can be used to provide the best possible user experiences, cost, quality, and sustainable solutions. We take making products that can withstand daily use in the everyday life of our customers very seriously.

Who we are

The Design department is a highly versatile and multi-disciplinary group of designers. Our mission is to shape products and services that our customers value highly, and that strengthen focus and creativity. At reMarkable, functional design has always been one of the most important drivers, and we are convinced that our cross-functional team is one of main reasons for reMarkable’s success.

a guy sitting in a beach chair with slippers on

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