Meet our new employee, Stian Dalviken!

Portait of a smiling man sitting at an office desk

Name: Stian Dalviken

Job Title: Senior Strategy Manager, Product Management

Education: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Engineering from Oslo University College (OsloMet) and a Master of Science (MSc) in IT Software Systems from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Professional background: I have a wide variety of experience from different roles throughout my career. I’ve worked as an IT manager in the Norwegian branch of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, as a full-stack web developer in both Scotland and Norway, as an IT consultant, and in high-level technical and commercial roles in the telecom industry.

Before reMarkable, I worked for about six years at Telia and Get. After about two and a half years in high-level technical product roles at Telia, I wanted to transition to the commercial side, so I started as a product manager for broadband at Get. Telia acquired Get shortly after. In my last position at Telia, I was the Commercial Manager for fixed broadband, responsible for the P&L, product and strategy, value-added services, and fixed telephony. After a long period in the telecom industry, I felt I was ready for another stage in my career. I also wanted to continue growing and learning and take on some new challenges that I hadn't had the opportunity to embark on in my previous roles.

When did you first hear about reMarkable?

Well, I'm sort of a geek/techie. Even though I worked within a more financial area for several years, my passion, without a doubt, is technology.

If you constantly keep up to date with technology and what it means for our world, you've noticed reMarkable. A Norwegian tech company that is making B2C tablets… that's breaking news.

But honestly, before researching, I knew almost nothing about the people behind the product or how they work.

What made you choose reMarkable?

There are many advantages to joining a company that's snowballing, but one of the most significant advantages is that they offer opportunities faster to their employees.

Going from corporate to scaleup can be risky, but I think you can trust your judgment if you know people love the product, you know great people work there, and you can tell it's gaining loyal users. Then you don't need to overthink it.

Working with all parts of a company and learning and contributing somewhere where almost everything is in-house was something on my wish list. To be able to do that at reMarkable was too good of an opportunity to turn down, and one I probably would never get again.

How would you describe the culture here?

I have two little girls at home so what's most important to me is work-life balance. I've experienced a high degree of trust and openness here. It's less about dividing the hours in your day evenly between work and personal life and more about having the flexibility to get things done while still having the time and energy to be a parent.

At reMarkable, it's also like being amongst friends. No one is afraid to speak their mind, and every person is appreciated equally. Everyone is curious, wants to learn from each other, and is happy to share their valuable knowledge. People are highly skilled but down-to-earth and humble. Amazingly, the company has found many like-minded people, and I believe the culture is a unique composition of competence and personalities.

It's still early, but I've never been more satisfied as an employee.

What are some of your goals as Senior Strategy Manager in Product Management?

I want to be part of the global journey, create sustainable financial and market growth, grow loyalty, and create a position in the market that makes people genuinely fond of our brand.

I also want to work with the commercial as well as the technical parts of the organization. I believe doing both will create opportunities for reMarkable, and I can't wait to contribute.

Working dynamically and ensuring competence and knowledge are used in the best way possible for the company, no matter your job title, is rare. I know reMarkable will succeed with this in-house strategy. It's incredible how much people can get done through internal company transparency and working together towards the same goal.

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